The filmmakers, Richard and Carole Rifkind, talk below about "Naturally Obsessed: The Making of a Scientist," screening on Friday, Feb. 5 at 4:45 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 7 at 6 p.m.
OFF: In 10 words, describe your movie and why someone should see it.
R&CR: Naturally Obsessed is a movie about making dreams come true.
OFF: Biggest lesson learned in getting the film made? Best part in getting the film made?
R&CR: In film and in science, it's all about being eager to take a risk. Without knowing if we would have any story at all, we dared to keep filming: and we succeeded in documenting an extraordinary effort and an extraordinary scientific result. We found a story about human endeavor that rings true for everyone who wants to do something great.
OFF: Tell us about you. What is your movie making background?
R&CR: Filmmaking is a new calling for us, having previously established our repuatation in research biology (Dick) and architectural writing (Carole). We are interested in films that illustrate personal concerns: our first film, about Venice ("The Venetian Dilemma") personalizes the story of Venetians who are besieged by the invasion of tourists. "Naturally Obsessed" humanizes the doing of science for people who may not be familiar with the process of doing research.
OFF: What’s your dream distribution plan for the film?
R&CR: We look forward to the public television broadcast of the film in Spring, 2010 and to broad dvd distribution to general audiences.
OFF: What’s the future hold in store for your film and for you?
R&CR: A short rest and new projects. And a successful screening in Oxford, MIssissippi, which, by reputation, is a highly intelligent and adventurous festival!
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