Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Take 5 with "Bicycle Lane"

The 7th annual Oxford Film Festival is getting closer every day. Before we kick off another fun-packed festival, we thought we would take five with filmmakers and get to know them just a little better.

A new series to our fest, we hope that with "Take 5 with..." we can help provide a little more insight into the filmmakers and the films that we have selected to screen in Oxford.

Up first is a new filmmaker to our festival but one we can already tell we are going to love getting to know.

Anyone who signs every e-mail with just his last name and an exclamation mark (Ruggles!) is bound to be a blast to meet.

Jeffrey W. Ruggles, the writer/producer/director of "Bicycle Lane," has made us laugh, first with his film, and now with his endless enthusiasm. Ruggles! will be on hand to answer questions after the screenings of his film on
Friday, Feb. 5 at 10:30 a.m. and Sunday, Feb. 7 at 11:20 a.m.

OFF: In 10 words, describe your movie and why someone should see it.

"Bicycle Lane" is fun. Come, and get a free hug.

Biggest lesson learned in getting the film made? Best part in getting the film made?

Biggest Lesson learned? That with 3,000 dollars, 5 days and a completely amazing cast and crew you can make a fun and entertaining film. It was the most fulfilling thing I've ever done. The best part about getting the film made? All the money and babes.

OFF: Tell us about Jeffrey Ruggles. What is your movie making background?

I live in Los Angeles and produce reality television by day. Before making "Bicycle Lane," I had pretty much given up the idea of making a feature film even though during my college years I had vowed to become the next Jean Luc-Godard. I hadn't made a film since college and really had no inclination to to do so, until one day, after a trip to Europe, I had the idea for "Bicycle Lane." Then I saw "Quiet City" (OFF Note: Aaron Katz film that played OFF 2007) and realized that I COULD make a film. So I did.

OFF: What’s your dream distribution plan for the film?

Dream distribution? I would say dream distribution would be "Bicycle Lane" playing on EVERY television, computer and theatrical screen in the world! Especially those little televisions that are sometimes in sports bar restrooms. But since that role now belongs to "Avatar," I'd settle for any way that people could see and enjoy the film, whether that be a small theatrical release or a DVD/VOD/Internet download release.

What’s the future hold in store for "Bicycle Lane" and Jeffrey Ruggles?

As for "Bicycle Lane," we're going to try and continue to get the film out there. The reaction so far has been really positive and every screening we've had has been loads of fun.

As for Jeffrey Ruggles? I'm writing a new script that I hope to film next summer. It's called "Bicycle Lane 2: Electric Boogaloo" and the amount of leather pants will be unlike anything anyone has ever seen in the history of cinema.

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